VMware on Brightspace
You should receive / have received an email from info@itacademy.brightspace.com with Welcome! Please redeem your VMWare subscription as the subject. Taking the link in the email will open a page asking you to Click here to login or register an account (click the Click here button, natch) which then leads to the following page. Select the green box with Register to complete your registration by creating a password to be used with your @augusta.edu email as login ID. Note: Authentication for this subscription does not use the AU portal so the password you create can be different than your campus password even though the login ID is your @augusta.edu email; keep this in mind if your campus credentials don't seem to work later for this subscription.
Once registered you can login to your subscription by visiting https://itacademy.brightspace.com and using the credentials you created, or revisit the page above (e.g., using the link in your invitation email) and clicking the Log in button on the blue box or the Student Login in the menu bar. When you login you should land at My Courses; if you end up at My Account Home then choose the View Courses button. From My Courses click Software Products & License Keys.
On the 'Course Home' (not really a course, just a vehicle for putting you in touch with resources) you will find links to the relevant downloads on the right. Be sure to get the full version(s) and not the 'Player' versions. When you take one of these links scroll down on the page you get to find the Download Now link (i.e., don't click Buy Online or Contact Us buttons toward the top of the page); this will start a download of the software so it can be installed.
At the bottom of the list of software is a link where you can request license keys for your software downloads -- the key(s) will be sent to your @augusta.edu email with a delay of up to 12 hours. A license key will give you a bit over a year's use of the software but failing to license your software will result in a trial which lapses in (I think) 30 days.